Patrick Krapf, PhD
Room 515
T +43 (0)512 507-51751

The Tetramorium caespitum ant complex is distributed throughout the Western Palearctic region and consists of two long known and several recently described cryptic species. One of these recently described species is Tetramorium alpestre, which can mainly be found in mountain-mat habitats between 1300 and 2300 meters above sea level. Until now, only sparse information has been available on T. alpestre. During my PhD-thesis, I gained insight into its social organisation, its behaviour and what influences the behaviour, and its ecological niche. Currently, I am involved in a new project that aims at elucidating the genetic structure of T. alpestre by sequencing its transcriptome and genome.
Research topics
Alpine endemism
Biogeography and faunistics
Genome and transcriptome biology
Life history
Population genetics and genomics
(Sexual) behaviour
Social organisation
I am also interested in
Climate-change biology
Conservation biology
Ecological niche modelling
Experimental evolution