Lisa Jung, BSc

I have been interested in biology since I was a child; so my decision to study biology was not a difficult one. After completing my bachelor’s degree in Biology at the University of Innsbruck, I started my master’s degree in Ecology and Biodiversity in winter 2022. Currently, I am very interested in bats. My interest in these animals already began at elementary school, where we read the book “Das große Buch vom Vamperl”. Now I have the opportunity to learn more about bats and get to know these animals better through my master’s thesis.

The aim of my master’s thesis, which will be carried out as part of a joint project by me and two other master students, Eva Orpel and Maike Bonacker, is to investigate whether hemeroby has an influence on the species composition and occurrence of bats in Innsbruck and the surrounding area. For this purpose, 49 sites, each assigned a hemeroby level from 1 to 10, are sampled with a bat recorder. In addition, bats are caught with nets at 10 selected locations and also recorded with a bat recorder.

My focus is on investigating the species composition of bats in Innsbruck and the surrounding area depending on the hemeroby level from May to June using audio results.

Research topics
Urban ecology

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