Maria P. Hirschvogel, BSc

Room 511

As a child, I was fascinated by people working with wild animals and I couldn’t read enough books about wolves. My deep interest in nature never disappeared and through my studies in biology – and now ecology and biodiversity, I explored more topics and expanded my perspectives. For my bachelor’s thesis, I examined microplastic emissions from geotextiles in alpine ski resorts. Now my focus has shifted back towards organisms.

During my masters, I started learning more about birds and insects, especially wild bees. Bird watching is now one of my favourite activities, and in my research, I survey plant-pollinator interactions in the Alps, investigating how factors like altitude and temperature influence them. Together with Sara Raj Pant and Kai Jäckels, we also worked on tracking wild bumble bee flights in an alpine environment using a harmonic radar.

Research topics
Alpine ecology
Behavioural ecology
Pollination ecology
Wildlife monitoring

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