Julius Lissy, BSc

Room 513

My passion for biology and the nature of living things started in early childhood. When playing outside, eating dirt and climbing trees were the best things to do. In high school, my strict but seemingly all-knowing biology teacher further kindled the flame for biology, and I decided to study the many fields of biology in Innsbruck.

Being more of an “outdoors” biologist, I like being in the field and therefore chose a corresponding topic for my Master’s thesis. The topic of my research is the European beaver (Castor fiber) — via trail camera photos, I am observing the beaver’s day-time and night-time activity as well as that of other animals in five beaver territories along the river Inn in Tyrol, Austria. Hopefully, the data will provide enough information to create a 24 h activity-profile for the beaver and potential predators, like the red fox (Vulpes vulpes). By comparing these profiles, I can see, whether there are temporal overlaps in activity between the beaver and other species, which could suggest evasive strategies on the beaver’s side.  

Research topics
Behavioural ecology
Wildlife monitoring

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