Johanna Beirer, BEd

Room 514

I was born and raised in Pflach, Tyrol and moved to Innsbruck in 2017 for my studies. After a little detour into medicine, I found my calling and began a teacher’s degree program for Biology and Environmental Education and English.

We are living in a critical point in time with regards to the future of our planet, and as a teacher-to-be, I am looking forward to educating my students on the effects of our behavior and hope to contribute to a little brighter future through that. The topic of ecology is often not taught in detail in Austrian classrooms, but I believe that it can be seen as a framework that allows to learn about all other biological disciplines. 

Due to this importance of ecology, I am very excited to start my MA thesis at the department on the mountain fly Drosophila nigrosparsa and behavior with regards to their circadian rhythm. Through this, it can be seen if behavioral adaptations to increasing temperatures are possible for Drosophila.

Research Topics:
Behavioral ecology
Climate-change biology

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