Christoph Montagnolli, BSc
Room 513

I grew up in Innsbruck and spent a lot of time in the Tyrolean forests and mountains from an early age. The diversity of ecosystems with all their facets – their inhabitants and their interactions – has always impressed me. This led me to study for a bachelor’s degree in biology. In my bachelor’s thesis, I dealt with the vegetation development of the silted-up Viller See and moor since the late glacial period (approx. 15,000 years BP). I analyzed various macroremains from a sediment core and reconstructed the vegetation history.
Currently, I am studying for a Master’s degree in Ecology and Biodiversity. I am particularly interested in sustainable development and nature conservation. In my master’s thesis, which I am carrying out together with Eric Stöver, I am investigating the native flowering range for wild bees in urban areas in relation to the hemeroby levels in Innsbruck. Our aim is to analyze the relationship between the degree of hemeroby and the availability of floral resources for pollinators and to develop approaches on how to best support wild bees in Innsbruck.
Research topics
Conservation biology
Urban ecology